Already up to date. [?2004l################################################################################ # AniNIX/Maat # # # # This is the network CI/CD platform. Check `systemctl status maat-builder` # ################################################################################ [?2004l################################################################################ # AniNIX/Maat # # # # This is the network CI/CD platform. Check `systemctl status maat-builder` # ################################################################################ Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory for i in raven.mono; do if [ -f $i ]; then rm $i; fi; done (mcs -out:raven.mono /opt/aninix/Uniglot/CSharp/*.csharp *.csharp Raven.csharp 2>&1 | grep -v CS2002); printf "" cd ./sample-confs; mono ../raven.mono -c sample.conf -v -h Reading arguments... Handling Argument 3: -h Usage: mono ./raven.mono -c conf # start the Raven with the conf file Usage: mono ./raven.mono -h # Get help The following flags are optional: -n Nickname -t Host -p Port -v Verbose -q Quiet -P NickServ passphrase -a Autosend command Programmer forgot to dispose of Raven. Marking for Garbage Collector fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. ==> Making package: TheRaven 28:.59ae84b-1 (Sat Jul 27 00:02:42 2024) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Retrieving sources... ==> Extracting sources... ==> Starting prepare()... Already up to date. ==> Starting build()... make: Entering directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' for i in raven.mono; do if [ -f $i ]; then rm $i; fi; done (mcs -out:raven.mono /opt/aninix/Uniglot/CSharp/*.csharp *.csharp Raven.csharp 2>&1 | grep -v CS2002); printf "" make: Leaving directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' ==> Starting check()... make: Entering directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' for i in raven.mono; do if [ -f $i ]; then rm $i; fi; done (mcs -out:raven.mono /opt/aninix/Uniglot/CSharp/*.csharp *.csharp Raven.csharp 2>&1 | grep -v CS2002); printf "" cd ./sample-confs; mono ../raven.mono -c sample.conf -v -h Reading arguments... Handling Argument 3: -h Usage: mono ./raven.mono -c conf # start the Raven with the conf file Usage: mono ./raven.mono -h # Get help The following flags are optional: -n Nickname -t Host -p Port -v Verbose -q Quiet -P NickServ passphrase -a Autosend command Programmer forgot to dispose of Raven. Marking for Garbage Collector make: Leaving directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' ==> Entering fakeroot environment... fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. ==> Starting package()... make: Entering directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' for i in raven.mono; do if [ -f $i ]; then rm $i; fi; done (mcs -out:raven.mono /opt/aninix/Uniglot/CSharp/*.csharp *.csharp Raven.csharp 2>&1 | grep -v CS2002); printf "" mkdir -p /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/opt cp raven.mono /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/opt/raven.mono if [ ! -d /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/local/etc/TheRaven ]; then mkdir -p /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/local/etc/TheRaven; cp sample-confs/* /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/local/etc/TheRaven; fi # Hook to deprivilege bot make checkperm make[1]: Entering directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' if ! id raven; then sudo useradd raven; echo User raven added; fi uid=1002(raven) gid=1002(raven) groups=1002(raven) chown -R raven:raven /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/opt/raven.mono /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/local/etc/TheRaven* chmod 0600 /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/opt/raven.mono /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/local/etc/TheRaven*/* chmod 0700 /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/local/etc/TheRaven* make[1]: Leaving directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' # Hook for Systemd mkdir -p /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/lib/systemd/system/ cp ./raven.service /srv/maat/src/TheRaven/pkg/TheRaven/usr/lib/systemd/system/raven.service make: Leaving directory '/srv/maat/src/TheRaven' ==> Tidying install... -> Removing libtool files... -> Purging unwanted files... -> Removing static library files... -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries... -> Compressing man and info pages... ==> Checking for packaging issues... ==> Creating package "TheRaven"... -> Generating .PKGINFO file... -> Generating .BUILDINFO file... -> Generating .MTREE file... -> Compressing package... ==> Leaving fakeroot environment. ==> Signing package(s)... -> Created signature file TheRaven-28:.59ae84b-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.sig. ==> Finished making: TheRaven 28:.59ae84b-1 (Sat Jul 27 00:02:44 2024) ==> Cleaning up...